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This page lists the recent changes made towards the AdvancedServerListAPI.
They are ordered newest to oldest.



  • New getters in ProfileEntry:
    • maxPlayersEnabled() - Returns the value for playerCount -> maxPlayers -> enabled as NullBool
    • maxPlayersCount() - Returns the value of playerCount -> maxPlayers -> amount as nullable Integer
  • New setters in ProfileEntry.Builder:
    • setMaxPlayersEnabled(NullBool) - Sets whether the max players feature is enabled or not.
    • setMaxPlayersCount(Integer) - Sets the number to use for the max players count.
    • setExtraPlayersCount(Integer) - Replacement for deprecated setExtraPlayerCount(Integer) method.


  • setExtraPlayerEnabled(Integer) in ProfileEntry.Builder - Typo in method name.


Breaking Changes

  • Removed platform-spigot API in favour of a more generic sounding platform-bukkit
  • Renamed all platform-specific packages from ch.andre601.advancedserverlist.<platform> to ch.andre601.advancedserverlist.api.<platform>


  • New platform-specific GenericServer instances with their own methods to use.
    • BukkitServer - Contains a getWorlds() method that returns a Map<String, World> of all loaded worlds in the server.
    • BungeeProxy - Contains a getServers() method that returns a Map<String, ServerInfo> of all known Servers for BungeeCord.
    • VelocityProxy - Contains a getServers() method that returns a Map<String, RegisteredServer> of all known Servers for Velocity.


  • All previously deprecated getX() methods from the ProfileEntry record



  • Turned ProfileEntry class into a record
    • Former getX() methods are now deprecated in favour of the record's own x() methods (i.e. getMotd() -> motd())


Breaking Changes

  • platform-paper has been removed. It used the same code as platform-spigot and was therefore considered duplicate code and useless.
  • core has been removed. The CachedPlayer is no longer needed in the platform-specific APIs.


  • PreServerListSetEvent to the different platform-specific APIs.
    • Called before AdvancedServerList alters the server list.
    • Allows to override the ProfileEntry used or even cancel the event.
  • ProfileEntry
  • Used for setting the different values of the server list.
  • Own instances can be made using the nested Builder class.
  • Has methods to create a Builder instance from itself, or make a copy from another ProfileEntry-instance.


  • Converted GenericPlayer, GenericServer, BungeePlayer, SpigotPlayer and VelocityPlayer into interfaces.
    • GenericPlayer no longer has getVersion(), hasPlayedBefore(), isBanned() and isWhitelisted(). They have been moved to VelocityPlayer (Only getVersion()) and SpigotPlayer respectively.
  • Converted NullBool from a class to an enum.
    • Contains TRUE, FALSE and NOT_SET.
    • isNull() is now isNotSet().


  • UnsupportedAPIAccessException as it is no longer used in the API itself.



  • AdvancedServerListAPI
    • Main class used to add your own PlaceholderProvider instances.
  • PlaceholderProvider
    • Abstract class used to add your own placeholders to parse in AdvancedServerList.