Example - Entity
A hologram that contains within it the entity
location: world:0.500:100.000:0.500
enabled: true
display-range: 64
update-range: 64
update-interval: 20
facing: 0.0
down-origin: true
- lines:
- content: '&b&lLEVELLED MOBS'
height: 0.3
- content: '&f'
height: 0.3
- content: '&fOn survival, each mob has a different'
height: 0.3
- content: '&flevel and number of lives'
height: 0.6
- content: '&8&l༺ E76BLvl 1 &8| &fSpider &8| &f24&8/&f24 E76B♥ &8&l༻'
height: 0.3
- content: '#ENTITY: SPIDER'
height: 0.3
actions: {}